Jason Cullimore (SK) (2008–10)

“I joi­ned the CNMN board for the first time in 2008. I have been invol­ved in moun­ting per­for­mances of contem­po­ra­ry music in Regi­na and beyond, and I see the CNMN as an excellent resource for my col­leagues and I to net­work with the grea­ter Cana­dian art music com­mu­ni­ty. By for­ging links with and lear­ning from the expe­riences of other com­po­sers and arts groups, I hope to help deve­lop the local com­mu­ni­ty crea­ting new music and grow its audiences. I would also like to raise awa­re­ness natio­nal­ly of the excellent music being crea­ted in Sas­kat­che­wan. My other main goal is to take a more active role in the moun­ting of the Forum, and ensure that there is a strong Sas­kat­che­wan contin­gent atten­ding”.

Jason Culli­more is an award-win­ning com­po­ser of concert music and sound­tracks for film, tele­vi­sion and thea­ter. Born in Regi­na, SK, Jason took up the pia­no in ele­men­ta­ry school. He also had a fas­ci­na­tion with the sciences, and after fini­shing high school, enrol­led at Queen’s Uni­ver­si­ty where he ear­ned a B.Sc. in bio­lo­gy. Beco­ming more and more inter­es­ted in com­po­si­tion (which he had begun expe­ri­men­ting with in high school) Jason then swit­ched gears and under­took a M.A. in music psy­cho­lo­gy, stu­dying the cog­ni­tive repre­sen­ta­tion of musi­cal har­mo­ny. He also stu­died com­po­si­tion and music theo­ry pri­va­te­ly under com­po­ser Nor­man Sherman.

After gra­dua­tion, Jason com­mit­ted to a career as a com­po­ser and retur­ned to Regi­na to bocame invol­ved in the gro­wing local film and TV indus­try. While based there he has sha­red a Gemi­ni nomi­na­tion for the score of the tele­vi­sion series “2030 CE”, won a pro­vin­cial Show­case award for his sound­track to the film “Slat­land”, and had per­for­mances of his art music by groups such as the Vic­to­ria Sym­pho­ny and the Regi­na Sym­pho­ny Cham­ber Players. Jason is also a crea­tive song­wri­ter who has won awards for his jazz, ins­tru­men­tal, and elec­tro­nic music in major song­wri­ting com­pe­ti­tions such as the John Len­non Song­wri­ting Contest and the UK Song­wri­ting Contest. Jason conti­nues to deve­lop his com­po­sing career in Regina.