Lawrence Cherney (ON) (2008–10)

Law­rence Cher­ney is a mem­ber of the order of Cana­da, a reci­pient of two Lieu­te­nant Governor’s Awards and the Chal­mers Natio­nal Music Award, and artis­tic direc­tor of Sound­streams Cana­da which he has, over the past 25 years, esta­bli­shed to become one of the lar­gest and most dyna­mic orga­ni­za­tions of its kind anyw­here in the world. He has per­for­med exten­si­ve­ly as oboe soloist and reci­ta­list in Cana­da, the Uni­ted States, throu­ghout Europe and in Israel. He has appea­red as guest artist with the CBC Van­cou­ver Radio Orches­tra, the BBC Scot­tish Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra, the Mani­to­ba Cham­ber Orches­tra, the Que­bec Sym­pho­ny, I Musi­ci de Mon­treal, the Ama­deus Ensemble, the Orford String Quar­tet, the Colo­ra­do Quar­tet and the Elmer Ise­ler Sin­gers, to name only a few. He has recor­ded for seve­ral record labels and for most major Euro­pean radio net­works. His recor­dings have won three Juno nomi­na­tions and have been pri­ze­win­ners at the Ros­trum of Com­po­sers com­pe­ti­tion of the Euro­pean Broad­cas­ting Union.