Randy Raine-Reusch (BC) (2010–12)

“I first joi­ned the CNMN when I recei­ved an invi­ta­tion to attend the first confe­rence in Win­ni­peg in 2007. It was hear­te­ning to find so many invol­ved in the many faces of new music meet toge­ther in one place at the same time. In this rapid­ly chan­ging envi­ron­ment, it is both impor­tant and ins­pi­ring to connect through an orga­ni­za­tion like CNMN, and to create and sup­port a fra­me­work for net­wor­king, col­la­bo­ra­tion and resource sha­ring in how this music we make is deve­lo­ped, pre­sen­ted and sha­red. I am hope­ful that the brilliant and cou­ra­geous minds that come toge­ther to make and spread this music will find tru­ly inno­va­tive ways to make it more rele­vant to the broa­der popu­lace and to the many smal­ler com­mu­ni­ties — geo­gra­phic, cultu­ral and other. We have the oppor­tu­ni­ty now to do this. As the BC repre­sen­ta­tive on the CNMN board, I am aware of the uni­que­ness of each region and com­mu­ni­ty. From the east coast, through Que­bec and Onta­rio to the Prai­ries, the North and BC, there are both dif­fe­rences and com­mo­na­li­ties in how new music is made and pro­du­ced. This is a great strength, and CNMN affords us a way to learn from one ano­ther while advo­ca­ting for a dyna­mic, many-face­ted and open Cana­dian new music pre­sence.” [2010]

Ran­dy Raine-Reusch explores sound and cultures around the world from concert stages to jungles, and with eve­ryone from Natio­nal Trea­sures to rice far­mers. He has stu­died music in four­teen coun­tries ; per­for­med on 5 conti­nents ; wor­ked with chil­dren and the disa­bled ; been the sub­ject of five docu­men­ta­ry films ; been the sub­ject of nume­rous articles ; desi­gned inter-active theatres ; writ­ten articles and books on music and musi­cians ; met princes, pre­si­dents, and empresses ; foun­ded fes­ti­vals ; wor­ked for the cir­cus ; amas­sed a large col­lec­tion of non-wes­tern ins­tru­ments ; been publi­shed as a poet ; wor­ked to pre­serve rare tra­di­tio­nal musi­cal cultures ; lec­tu­red on the rela­tion­ship of sound, psy­cho­lo­gy, and spi­ri­tua­li­ty ; been a consul­tant for a num­ber of music museums on orga­no­lo­gy ; and been an active com­mit­tee mem­ber of nume­rous inter­na­tio­nal orga­ni­za­tions. While at heart, he is a Zen and Taoist-ins­pi­red musi­cal phi­lo­so­pher whose sound­works and gra­phic scores attempt to rede­fine per­cep­tion ; he cur­rent­ly is the Artis­tic Director/Consultant for the Rain­fo­rest World Music Fes­ti­val and the Miri Inter­na­tio­nal Jazz Fes­ti­val, both in Malay­sian Borneo.