CNMN > Projects > Songs that Connect Us


See profile

  • Voix
  • Appareils numériques
  • Adultes
  • Ainés
  • Intergénérationnel

A series of one-hour workshops

  • Associations communautaires
  • Santé
  • Diversité
  • Famille
  • Mémoire
  • La santé mentale

Songs that Connect Us


Songs that Connect Us is a com­mu­ni­ty-enga­ged pro­ject for col­la­bo­ra­tive and mea­ning­ful group sin­ging using sto­ry­tel­ling and song. It fos­ters open com­mu­ni­ca­tion and a res­pect for diversity.

The pro­ject was ini­tia­ted by cho­ral direc­tor Dina Cin­drić and the RECAA Choir – a com­mu­ni­ty choir com­po­sed of elders from the eth­nic com­mu­ni­ties of Mon­treal, many of whom belong to the com­mu­ni­ty orga­ni­za­tion RECAA : Res­pec­ting Elders Com­mu­ni­ties Against Abuse.

Par­ti­ci­pants are asked to think of a song that brings them a sense of connec­tion. At the next mee­ting, they are invi­ted to share their sto­ries and songs, which are recor­ded. Over the course of the fol­lo­wing ses­sions, par­ti­ci­pants work toge­ther to learn the songs.

This pro­ject can be used to encou­rage dia­logue on issues impor­tant to the com­mu­ni­ty, or it might ins­pire col­la­bo­ra­tions with other com­mu­ni­ty or cultu­ral groups. Sto­ries and songs can be pre­sen­ted in per­for­mance or use them as content for digi­tal sto­ry­tel­ling projects.

The pro­ject :

  • Dee­pens relationships
  • Faci­li­tates self-expres­sion and leadership
  • Opens dia­logue
  • Gathers sto­ries
  • Fos­ters team­work and collaboration
  • Fos­ters a res­pect for diver­si­ty and inclusiveness
  • Pro­vides a space in which par­ti­ci­pants can safe­ly share their his­to­ries, cultu­ral expres­sions and indi­vi­dual voices
  • Pro­motes learning
  • Encou­rages mind­ful listening
  • Builds confi­dence

Down­load the pro­ject work­book in the side­bar for tips on how to :

  • Ins­pire storytelling
  • Create safe spaces
  • Intro­duce and teach songs by rote
  • Sing songs in other languages
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