
The offi­cial FORUM 2016 time­table is in process.

In the mean­time, here is a gene­ral idea to help with your tra­vel arran­ge­ments to Ottawa.

To take in the full FORUM, plan to arrive in time for Thurs­day eve­ning, and to leave Sun­day after­noon (flights, trains or buses with depar­ture times of 3:30 pm or later would be very safe).

Thurs­day, 14 Janua­ry 2016
FORUM 2016 opens at 6pm with regis­tra­tion and an ice-brea­ker activity.

Fri­day and Satur­day, 15 & 16 Janua­ry 2016
Acti­vi­ties start right away in the mor­ning (9 am), and conti­nue throu­ghout the day, ending with eve­ning concerts.

Sun­day, 17 Janua­ry 2016
The mor­ning sche­dule is full, but we plan to conclude by 12:30 pm.

Ques­tions ? Contact Geof – geof@reseaumusiquesnouvelles.ca