PCM Hub Open Call results !

The Cana­dian New Music Net­work is thril­led to announce the pro­jects cho­sen for sup­port within its Open Call Par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry Crea­tive Music Pro­jects to be hos­ted on the online Par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry Crea­tive Music Hub. Suc­cess­ful appli­cants will be pro­vi­ded fun­ding for docu­men­ta­tion of the exis­ting pro­ject that they proposed.

In the end, CNMN was able to add two pri­zed for a total of 8 sup­por­ted pro­jects by the fol­lo­wing creators/facilitators :

Dina Cin­drić
Nai­la Kuhl­mann
Guillaume Jab­bour
Gere­mia Loren­zo Lodi

Thais Mon­ta­na­ri
Para­morph Col­lec­tive
Deirdre Potash

CNMN hear­ti­ly thanks to the artists and arts admi­nis­tra­tors our jury : Mat­thew Fava (CMC), Nick Hyatt, Po Yeh (Prai­rie Debut and CNMN trea­su­rer) and Leanne Zacha­rias. We also thank all who sub­mit­ted their pro­jects for review.

Check out the Par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry Crea­tive Music Hub !