CNMN > Projects > Passage Through Time – Creating Music-Inspired Visual Art

Deirdre Potash

See profile

  • 5 à 12 ans
  • 13 à 18 ans
  • Adultes
  • Ainés
  • Intergénérationnel

1 hour visual art workshop

  • Éducation
  • Associations communautaires
  • Diversité
  • Écologie
  • Famille

Passage Through Time – Creating Music-Inspired Visual Art


GOAL : to deve­lop a dee­per appre­cia­tion of music and the visual arts and how they com­pli­ment each other. In this par­ti­cu­lar work­shop, par­ti­ci­pants were ins­pi­red by the music of Jab­bour, using the music as a spark for their art.

ACTIVITY : Art making is enri­ched when laye­red with a varie­ty of expe­riences and techniques. 

First, a musician(s) pre­sents their  his­to­ry and music, exchan­ging ideas that add ano­ther layer to the crea­tive pro­cess. In this case, Guillaume Jab­bour des­cribes his band, which includes Bill Gos­sage, Carl Rufh and Bill Col­lier. The group’s iden­ti­ty soli­di­fied during their tour of Bri­tish Colum­bia in 2015, when the musi­cians began to unders­tand that they had found their place on the Cana­dian folk music scene, iden­ti­fying them­selves par­ti­cu­lar­ly with the offi­cial lan­guage mino­ri­ties of the coun­try : the English-spea­king com­mu­ni­ties of Que­bec and the French-spea­king com­mu­ni­ties of Cana­da. Refer to the video for how Guillaume does this.

Next, we learn about the art tech­nique to be used in dra­wing and pain­ting. Then we lis­ten to the music and draw. Final­ly, we reflect and get and give feed­back. Next time, choose ano­ther musi­cians’ work to ins­pire your creativity.

Out­comes :

  •       dee­per listening
  •       heigh­te­ned senses
  •       increa­sed awa­re­ness of the connec­tion bet­ween music and visual art.
  •       ease, confi­dence, and joy in lis­te­ning to music and crea­ting art.
  •       dee­pe­ned rela­tion­ships among­st group mem­bers through sha­red expe­rience and sha­ring artworks.
  •       a grea­ter sense of connec­tion and ensemble with artist, musi­cian, and participants.

MATERIALS : paper with pen­cil, crayons, colou­red pen­cils, mar­kers, oil pas­tels etc. and or paint and brush.


  1. Lis­ten to the music while thin­king about the theme, Pas­sage Through Time. What does it make you think about ? What images or memo­ries come to mind ? Using the music and the theme as ins­pi­ra­tion, create a nar­ra­tive dra­wing – a dra­wing that tells a visual story.
  2. Let us draw. I am using the example of dra­wing with a pen­cil. Pen­cil marks, Com­po­si­tion, Abs­tract and figu­ra­tive are concepts in pain­ting and dra­wing. Refer to the video for examples. You choose your mate­rials of choice. Here are concepts to consider :
  • Pen­cil marks – Expe­riment with the side and point of the pen­cil, increase, and decrease pres­sure. You can create light, medium, dark, thin, and thick lines.
  • Com­po­si­tion in a dra­wing is the ‘what am I going to put and where am I going to place it on the paper’. When playing with com­po­si­tion, remem­ber that dra­wings can pass the edges of the paper and over­lap other papers.
  • In dra­wing and pain­ting, abs­tract or non-figu­ra­tive is based on shape, tex­ture, colour, and value (light and dark). Figu­ra­tive is based on a per­son, place, or thing. Figu­ra­tive abs­trac­tion is a com­bi­na­tion of the two. Pers­pec­tive – Objects that are clo­ser usual­ly start at the bot­tom of the page, are big­ger with more detail and colour. The oppo­site is true for objects that are fur­ther on.

3. As you draw, per­io­di­cal­ly stop the music, share thoughts, ideas and in pro­cess art­work to ins­pire each other.

4. When the music and art­works are fini­shed, share them and discuss.

You can pick any of Jabbour’s music as an ins­pi­ra­tion for visual crea­tion. Lis­ten to the music, what will you draw ?

« Lis­te­ning to the music was like taking a peek into someo­ne’s life. I des­cri­bed it as « dan­cing through life ». The dra­wing star­ted with a bean (a cof­fee bean!) and evol­ved into a rain­bow dance burs­ting with new life. I real­ly enjoyed the art music class today. » Shan­non, work­shop participant

*Please contact Deirdre at  if you’d like to know more about the project.

To hear more of Jab­bour :

More links…

Jab­bour Round the Clock Album · 2016 :

Les Fruits · Jab­bour ℗ 2019 Jab­bour Relea­sed on : 2019-05-13 Auto-gene­ra­ted by You­Tube :

Honey · Jab­bour ℗ 2018 Jab­bour Relea­sed on : 2018-04-13 Auto-gene­ra­ted by You­Tube :

He Doesn’t Need You Jab­bour Album Round the Clock Licen­sed to You­Tube by CD Baby (on behalf of Jab­bour), CD Baby Sync Publi­shing :


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