CNMN > Projects > Task-based Games : Take Flight

Germaine Liu

  • Objets trouvés ou matériel artistique
  • Petite enfance
  • 5 à 12 ans
  • 13 à 18 ans
  • Adultes
  • Ainés
  • Intergénérationnel

10-60 minutes

  • Éducation
  • Associations communautaires
  • Santé

Task-based Games : Take Flight


Hel­lo !  My  name is Ger­maine.  I have pre­pa­red for you some task-based games you can share and play with your friends.  I love task-based games because I feel like I am living the expe­rience in a way.  When eve­ryone invol­ved is open and willing to par­ti­ci­pate, then it feels like we are all in this toge­ther.  We receive and give in this very direct and deli­be­rate way that I think is an honest exchange for all of us.  Have fun, enjoy !

Take Flight

Pre­pa­ra­tion :

Find a piece of tis­sue paper that is just for you !

Let’s play !

1. Create wind with your body to lift the tis­sue paper off the ground

2. Play with the paper freely

3. Come to stan­ding and toss the tis­sue paper, observe the paper sculp­tures in the air.

4. Get into a natu­ral tos­sing pulse, let’s call it heartbeat

5. Sub­di­vide this heart­beat (For example : 123, 123, etc.).  If you are playing with a friend or in a group, try tos­sing the paper to each other.  Remem­ber, try to keep the tis­sue paper in the air.

6. Even­tual­ly, allow the paper to come into contact with dif­ferent parts of the body.

7. Allow the game to come to a natu­ral end.

Feel free to do a part­ner ver­sion while sitting !

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