Jerry Pergolesi (ON) (2008–13)

Contact Contem­po­ra­ry Music (of which I am co-artis­tic direc­tor) has been a mem­ber of the Cana­dian New Music Net­work since its incep­tion, and an active mem­ber of the Toron­to Coa­li­tion of New Music Pre­sen­ters since our exis­tence as an orga­ni­za­tion. I have seen the results of coope­ra­tive ven­tures making an impact on a local and natio­nal level. I wel­come the oppor­tu­ni­ty to contri­bute my ener­gy and enthu­siasm to the Network ».

Jer­ry Per­go­le­si is a foun­ding mem­ber and co-artis­tic direc­tor of Contact Contem­po­ra­ry Music. Jer­ry ear­ned a Bache­lor of Music from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wind­sor where he stu­died com­po­si­tion and advan­ced theo­ry with Jens Han­son and per­cus­sion with Carl Har­ris. He recei­ved a Mas­ter of Music in Per­for­mance from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to where he stu­died with Rus­sell Har­ten­ber­ger. In addi­tion to spe­cia­li­zing in contem­po­ra­ry concert music, Jer­ry has stu­died Middle Eas­tern music and theo­ry with George Sawa, Afri­can drum­ming and dance, Java­nese Game­lan and per­forms with various inde­pendent recor­ding artists. As Contact’s per­cus­sio­nist, Jer­ry has com­mis­sio­ned and pre­mie­red works by Wende Bart­ley, John Burke, Alli­son Came­ron, Theo Mathien, Jor­dan Nobles, Deirdre Piper, Mar­ci Rabe and Ann Sou­tham. Jer­ry gave the world pre­mier per­for­mance of Skin & Metal, a music theatre piece for per­cus­sion and digi­tal sound­tracks, writ­ten for and dedi­ca­ted to him by Bar­ry Truax. In July 2008, Jer­ry will be per­for­ming in the Bang On A Can Sum­mer Fes­ti­val with guest artist Ter­ry Riley. Jer­ry’s back­ground also includes admi­nis­tra­tive posi­tions at Array­mu­sic, Ara­besque Dance Com­pa­ny and Uni­ver­si­ty Set­tle­ment Music & Arts School.